Concept Warehouse Quarterly

Concept Warehouse QUARTERLY

Fall 2012

In this newsletter...


Recent Activity
  • ASEE Summer Workshop Press Release

Concept Warehouse Stats

Upcoming Webinars
  • Getting Started
  • How to Write a ConcepTest

Ways to be involved!
  • Call for research participants

Highlighted Website Features
  • Quick Start guides
  • Instructor email options

Upcoming Website Features
  • Instructional Tools

    • The goal of this tool is to create a community of learning within the discipline of chemical engineering that is focused on concept-based instruction.

      Developed under NSF DUE 1023099, 1022957, 1022875, 1022785


Dear Concept Warehouse Community,

It is our pleasure to introduce the first issue of our Concept Warehouse Quarterly! We appreciate your enthusiastic response since we made the tool publicly available during the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division Summer School.

The Concept Warehouse is intended to be a versatile tool that can be readily incorporated to fit an individual faculty member's teaching philosophy and her/his learning environment. Based on this design strategy we foresee many ways that this tool may be deployed and many opportunities to learn from one another. To further create a community of learning, if you have a colleague who may find the tool useful we encourage you to let them know!

Thank you for registering to use this resource and feel free to ask for help and offer suggestions.  Our goal is to help create a community resource which will help your students learn.

We appreciate your use, continued support, and feedback!

The AIChE Concept Warehouse Leadership Team

Milo Koretsky
John Falconer
Ron Miller
David Silverstein
Marina Miletic
Oregon State University University of Colorado Boulder Colorado School of Mines University of Kentucky

Recent Activity

ASEE Chemical Engineering Division Summer School Workshop: Tools and Techniques for Conceptual Learning

We delivered three workshops at the 2012 ASEE Summer School in July at the University of Maine. Each workshop provided a framework for concept-based learning, illustrated the use of ConcepTests and Concept Inventories, and demonstrated how the AIChE Concept Warehouse can help instructors implement conceptual learning in their classes. During the workshop, participants interactively answered concept questions, developed their own questions, and learned how to navigate and use the Concept Warehouse.

The workshop was both highly attended and enthusiastically received. 98% of participants found the workshop either "useful" or "very useful" and 92% said they would recommend the AIChE Concept Warehouse to a colleague. One participant wrote that they would tell colleagues:  "remember how you have been complaining that the students don't understand the fundamentals...I heard about this awesome resource that will help you test them on concepts during lectures..."

Eighty-four faculty members attended the three workshops. Since then we have authorized approximately 200 new faculty accounts and the number keeps growing daily!

AIChE Concept Warehouse Stats

No. of Institutions No. of Students Electronic Answers Submitted No. of Faculty Accounts Questions Used
In-class Downloaded
85 1,954 Over 50,000 186 1,405 1,226

Upcoming Webinars

To register for a webinar, navigate to the blue "Support" tab in the AIChE Concept Warehouse. Select the webinar you would like to attend and provide any requests you may have, we may address these during the webinar. You will receive an email with a link a couple of days prior to the event. There will also be time at the end of the each webinar for questions and comments.

Getting Started Webinar

Getting Started - December 19th, 2012 - 9am PST (noon EST)

Getting Started - January 2nd, 2012 - 9am PST (noon EST)

You might benefit from this webinar if you are new user interested in understanding the basic features available in the AIChE Concept Warehouse. This webinar will guide you through getting started using the AIChE Concept Warehouse. It may include the following steps:

* Setting up clickers - Turning Point technologies
* Assigning tests
* Viewing results
* Using student accounts

* Creating a class
* Adding students to a class
* Finding and adding questions
* Managing tests

ConcepTests: What are they and how can I make a good one?

How to Write a ConcepTest - December 21st, 2012 - 9am PST (noon EST)

How to Write a ConcepTest - January 3rd, 2012 - 9am PST (noon EST)

What is a ConcepTest? What makes a high quality concept question? This webinar is intended to help instructors understand what components make a good conceptual question and how they can be used in the classroom. The use of Concept Inventories and how they can improve your classes will also be addressed.

Ways to be Involved!

Dr. Koretsky's graduate students are currently studying the spread and adoption of the AIChE Concept Warehouse. The purpose of the investigation is to help improve the tool itself and reflect on the best way to help faculty use it. They are hoping that this reflection will be beneficial to other educators who develop and share their innovations with the broader community.

They would like to invite anyone who is interested in sharing their thoughts and experiences regarding the AIChE Concept Warehouse to participate in a phone interview. If you are interested and willing to talk with these grad students, contact them at the following email address:

Please contact them by Dec. 21st, 2012. Participation in this study would be greatly appreciated and will only take an hour of your time!

Highlighted Website Features

Quick Start Guides

Quick Start guides have been developed to introduce and walk you through a few of the basic ways you can use the Concept Warehouse in your classes. These guides offer step-by-step instructions located in the "Support" tab, submenu Quick Start (see figure) for creating and adding students to your class, finding and adding questions, making a test, etc. Each can be viewed individually or as a complete pdf and contain screenshots of each step to further guide you. Have questions the quick starts don't answer? Don't hesitate to contact us at .

Instructor Email Options

Once you have added students to your class, how do you contact them and let them know they need to register with a student account in the Concept Warehouse? Now there is a streamlined instructor email option that will automate this for you!


Navigate to the "Classes" tab, submenu Manage Class and open the Student Accounts Status crate (see figure). After you have added student emails to the class you have created, you have the option to send them one of three emails. The email contains a welcome to your class, a link to the website along with steps on how to activate their account. This helps to ensure that all of your students have been informed of their role in the activation process.

Upcoming Website Features

Instructional Tools

This tab will be the home of the test preparation survey (Felder), muddiest point assessment (Krause), heat and energy misconception intervention (Prince and Vigeant), interactive virtual laboratories and other tools. Keep checking to see how you can use these tools in your classes!

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation under grants NSF DUE 1023099, 1022957, 1022875, 1022785. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Email: Ph: Fax:

Developed under NSF DUE 1023099, 1225221, 1245482, 1821439, 2135190
                Copyright 2024 AIChE Concept Warehouse
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